Microsoft PowerPoint for Confluence

Magic mode

  1. Copy the public URL of your Microsoft PowerPoint .
  2. Paste it into your Confluence editor
  3. Optionally customize width and height of the macro

Manual mode

  1. Copy the URL of your Microsoft PowerPoint
  2. Open editor on any Confluence page and type /powerpoint to open macro
  3. Paste the URL of the file into the corresponding section
  4. Optionally customize width and height of the macro

Retrieving the URL

From the Share menu in Microsoft PowerPoint

Set the privacy to “Anyone with the link” and copy the link. If you want the embedded file to be in “view only” mode, select “Viewer” from the dropdown menu to the right.

Directly from the address bar

When you’re navigating the spreadsheet in your browser, copy the URL from the address bar. This link will contain the same settings you have already set in the Share menu.

Publishing to the web

If you want to embed the Microsoft PowerPoint content without the editor interface, publish the file and copy the link from the publishing menu.

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